Artiste – Soumiya Jalal – English version
16 janvier 2025 2025-02-05 17:33Artiste – Soumiya Jalal – English version
Soumiya Jalal
Textile installations, from architecture to craftsmanship

Soumiya Jalal
Textile installation, Souvenances exhibition, IFM, 2023
©Mourad Boulhana

Soumiya Jalal
Textile installation, Souvenances exhibition, IFM, 2023
©Mourad Boulhana

Soumiya Jalal
Textile installation, Souvenances exhibition, IFM, 2023
©Mourad Boulhana
Soumiya Jalal
Textile installations, from architecture to craftsmanship
In Soumiya Jalal’s work, the bridge between architecture and craftsmanship was built from a missing. One day, she woke up in the midst of a quest for identity. From this moment, there was no more break into her artistic process between urbanism, architecture and craftsmanship.
Soumiya is often qualified by her colleagues as a «Maalma», the Craftsman Master, who was the keystone of all edification during Medinas Time.
The choice of threads craft imposed itself to her. It was born from her needs of reparation and conciliation of two identities : the artist’s one and the architect’s one, which should absolutely coexist in harmony.
She dives into the roots of her culture as far as she can and stands out each time closer to modernity. She looks around, in a souk, a drugstore or a mercery, a piece of something : a hemp string, a ball of wool, a sisal, a plastic tape, a Bolduc reel, some raphia, a straw, an electric wire…
Then, she takes place on her weaving loom and generates each time new manners, new ways of creating a texture, a unique piece of textile.
Photo courtesy of Mourad Boulhana